Wow, I haven't posted in a long while!
Well we are moved in and settled at the new house...its great! We have started the yard work with it warming up...I never new that I enjoyed yard work so much!
I gave up on the my little heart SAL...I was so far behind.....I have finished my "bless this home" and will post pictures later. Had a hard drive crash over the weekend...thank goodness for wonderful dell support!! They shipped me a new one and talked us through replacement.
I met a friend from the CSF in person we live about 45-1hr away from each other and I have really enjoyed getting to know her, the best part is our hubbies get along as well. We have gone to dinner just us and had a stitching date...we closed down the starbucks HaHa. Now on the CSF site we are thinking about getting together and doing some stitch and skype dates. I think this will be really neat!!
My friend and I are thinking of doing a camp in another city in Georgia its a three day retreat full of stitching and stitchy games. I am very excited!!
I am starting starry night, and a small kit for my sister. she is doing so well a steady job is renting her own place so I am stitching a late house warming gift!!
DH and I are trying for babies this you may get more posts soon!!